Services We Use – Planoly: The Social Media Tool to Help Us Stay Organized

Posted on:June 15, 2020

Author:LaTisha Guster


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The Urban Geeks Blog - Services We Use - Planoly

If you’re a business owner in 2020, we stand firm behind this notion: you have to be somewhere on social media. There’s no way around it. Now, before your anxiety meter skyrockets, I’m not suggesting you have to be everywhere – you just need to be somewhere.

Whether you’re on one platform or all 97 of them (I’m exaggerating, but you get the point), managing social media is pretty much a full time job. For us, automation is key and we wanted to use a tool that was easy, visual and could manage multiple accounts simultaneously.


Enter Planoly.

Planoly is a visual management tool that allows us to schedule social media content across our platforms on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram. The tool can be used on our desktops, laptops & even on the phone using the app. The best part is to be able to visually see what your content will look like and rearrange the order on the spot. I can add in my hashtags as the first comment and I can even schedule out my Instagram stories. If you’re a business owner who’s booked & busy, automating your social media visually is a game changer.

Check out Planoly. You can definitely start off with the free version to try it out if your coins are tight these days.

Planoly | Services We Use Series

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