Services We Use – Avodocs

Posted on:July 13, 2020

Author:Joe Guster


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The Urban Geeks Blog - Services We Use - Avodocs

Running a small business or startup means not always having the budget for every business service you need. One such business need/service is legal advice. For most small businesses, this very important service tends to be one of the services that only gets attention after they need the service. To help with some legal documents, our final entry (as of July 2020) in our Services We Use Series is Avodocs.

Avodocs fills a need for most companies when it comes to working with contractors and also building their website. With their very extensive legal document wizard, they’re able to help small businesses create well formed legal documents. NOTE: It is still recommended that you get legal advice from a legal professional.

The Urban Geeks mainly use Avodocs for creating Privacy Polices and Terms of Use for client websites. Their wizard allows us to cover many different topics from user data to payments to analytics tracking. Not only do they allow users to create legal docs for websites, Avodocs can create the following documents:

  • NDA for Startups
  • Memorandum of Understanding
  • Internship Agreement
  • Letter of Intent
  • Pilot Agreement
  • SAAS Agreement
  • Master Services Agreement
  • External Services
  • Fundraising
  • Founders’ Agreement
  • Employee Onboarding

This list pretty much covers the basics for most businesses. Avodocs is another service that operates under a freemium model where you can get 3 documents per month for free by just registering. The next step up is their startup plan that includes 10 documents per month for $9.99. We have been operating on the free plan but will most likely need to step up to the startup plan pretty soon. With such a great service at an awesome price, Avodocs will continue to be a stable service we use for both The Urban Geeks and our clients.

Avodocs | Services We Use Series

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